Ahí van las fichas británicas:
-Action Man vol.1 1-30, 32, 33, 35-138
-Battletide vol.1 1-4
-Battletide II vol.1 1-4
-Blake's 7 vol.1 1-23
-Blake's 7 Summer Special 1981-1982
-Blake's 7 Winter Special 1982
-Blockbuster vol.1 1-9
-Blockbuster Winter Special
-Captain America vol.1 1-59
-Captain Britain vol.1 1-39
-Captain Britain vol.2 1-14
-Captain Britain Annual 1978
-Captain Britain Summer Special 1980-1981
-Chiller Pocket Book vol.1 1-27
-Conan the Barbarian Pocket Book vol.1 1-13
-Dark Angel vol.1 6-16
-Dark Guard vol.1 1-4
-Death3 vol.1 1-4
-Death's Head vol.1 1-10
-Death's Head II vol.1 1-4
-Death's Head II vol.2 1-16
-Death's Head II and the origin of Die Cut vol.1 1-2
-Doctor Who: A Marvel Monthly vol.1 44-60
-Doctor Who Autumn Special 1987
-Doctor Who Holiday Special 1992
-Doctor Who Magazine vol.1 107-285
-Doctor Who Monthly vol.1 61-84
-Doctor Who Spring Special 1996
-Doctor Who Summer Special 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995
-Doctor Who Weekly vol.1 1-43
-Doctor Who Winter Special 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1991, 1994
-Dracula Lives vol.1 3-87
-Empire Strikes Back Monthly vol.1 140-158
-Empire Strikes Back Weekly vol.1 118-139
-Fantastic Four vol.1 1-29
-Fantastic Four Pocket Book vol.1 1-28
-Forces in Combat vol.1 1-37
-Frantic vol.1 1-17
-Fury vol.1 1-25
-Future Tense vol.1 1-12, 36-41
-Future Tense and Forces in Combat vol.1 13
-Future Tense and Valour vol.1 20-35
-Hell's Angel vol.1 1-5
-Hulk Comic vol.1 1-46
-Hulk Annual 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985
-Indiana Jones vol.1 1-11
-Marvel Action vol.1 1-15
-Marvel Classic Comics vol.1 1-12
-Marvel Comic vol.1 330-352
-Marvel Madhouse vol.1 1-17
-Marvel Super Adventure vol.1 1-26
-Marvel Super-Heroes 373-376
-Marvel Superheroes vol.1 353-372
-Marvel Superheroes and the Occult Winter Special
-Marvel Superheroes Annual vol.1 1
-Marvel Superheroes Summer Special
-Marvel Team-Up vol.1 1-25
-Marvel Team-Up Winter Special 1980
-Monster Monthly vol.1 1-8
-Motormouth vol.1 1-5
-Motormouth & Killpower vol.1 6-12
-Mys-Tech Wars vol.1 1-4
-Planet of the Apes vol.1 1-123
-Plasmer vol.1 1-4
-Rampage vol.1: 1-34
-Rampage Monthly vol.1: 15
-Rampage Magazine vol.1 6-54
-Return of the Jedi vol.1 1-155
-Rupert vol.1 1-100
-Savage Action vol.1 1-15
-Savage Sword of Conan vol.1 1-15
-Scooby-Doo and His TV Friends vol.1 1-67
-Spider-Man vol.1 500-552, 579-633
-Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends vol.1 553-578
-Spider-Man and Hulk Team-Up vol.1 vol.1 425-449
-Spider-Man and Hulk Weekly 376-424
-Spider-Man Annual 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987
-Spider-Man Pocket Book vol.1 1-28
-Spider-Man Comic vol.1 311-333
-Spider-Man Comics Weekly vol.1 1-157
-Spidey Comic vol.1 651-666
-Star Heroes Pocket Book vol.1 1-11
-Star Wars vol.1 159-171
-Star Wars Weekly vol.1 1-46, 51-117
-Super Spider-Man with the Super-Heroes vol.1 158-198
-Super Spider-Man and the Titans vol.1 199-230
-Super Spider-Man and Captain Britain vol.1 231-253
-Super Spider-Man vol.1 254-310
-Super Spider-Man TV Comic vol.1 450-499
-The Avengers vol.1 1-148
-The Complete Fantastic Four vol.1: vol.1 1-37
-The Daredevils vol.1 1-11
-The Doctor Who Magazine vol.1 99-106
-The Empire Strikes Back vol.1 140-158
-The Empire Strikes Back Weekly vol.1 118-139
-The Incredible Hulk vol.1 59-63
-The Incredible Hulk! vol.1 1-27
-The Incredible Hulk Pocket Book 1-13
-The Incredible Hulk Weekly vol.1 47-58
-The Mighty Thor vol.1 1-19
-The Mighty Thor and The X-Men vol.1 20-39
-The Mighty World of Marvel vol.1 1-329
-The Mighty World of Marvel vol.2 1-16
-The Official Doctor Who Magazine vol.1 85-98
-The Original X-Men 1-17
-The Savage Sword of Conan vol.1 1-93
-The Spectacular Spider-Man vol.1 372-375
-The Spectacular Spider-Man Weekly vol.1 333-371
-The Spider-Man Comic vol.1 634-650
-The Super-Heroes vol.1 1-50
-The Thing is Big Ben vol.1 1-18
-The Titans vol.1 1-58
-The Titans Pocket Book vol.1 1-13
-The Transformers vol.1 1-152, 200-212
-The Transformers and Action Force vol.1 153-182, 191-199, 220-231, 233-249
-The Transformers and G.I. Joe: The Action Force vol.1 251-305
-The Transformers and Visionaries vol.1 183-190, 213-219
-The Transformers Annual 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992
-The Transformers Summer Special 1985
-Transformers vol.1 232, 250, 306-332
-Valour vol.1 1-19
-Valour Winter Special 1980
-Western Gunfighter Summer Special 1980, 1981
-X-Men Pocket Book vol.1 12-28
-Worzel Gummidge vol.1: 1-15
-Worzel Gummidge Summer Special 1
-Worzel Gummidge Winter Special 1
-Worzel Gummidge vol.2: 1-23
-Young Romance Pocket Book vol.1: 1-13
Fichas hechas pero con portadas pequeñas o de mala calidad:
- Action Man vol.1 31
Series de las que falta todo, incluidas las fechas de publicación:
Care Bears vol.1 #157 (título), 202-302
Fireman Sam's Safety Special
It's fun to learn with Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends vol.1 #1-¿22?
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Collected Comics vol.1 #1-¿29?